Fonogramas encontrados: 174

Música Compositor(es) Ano Álbum Gravadora Tipo de Mídia Intérprete(s)
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Michel Legrand / Alan Bergman / Marilyn Bergman 2009 MAYSA POR BETTINA KORALL Circuito Musical CD Bettina Korall
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Michel Legrand / Alan Bergman / Marilyn Bergman 1972 CPS: MAYSA RCA Victor CPS Maysa
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Michel Legrand / Alan Bergman / Marilyn Bergman 2019 CINEMA A DOIS - Gilson Peranzzetta e Mauro Senise Fina Flor CD Gilson Peranzzetta / Mauro Senise
When Summer Turns To Snow Dave Grusin / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1968 FOOL ON THE HILL - Sergio Mendes & Brasil' 66 A&M Records (USA) LP/CD Sergio Mendes
Yellow Bird Norman Luboff / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1967 LUIS BONFÁ PLAYS GREAT SONGS Dot Records (USA) LP Luiz Bonfá
Yellow Bird Norman Luboff / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1961 WALDIRIZANDO Continental LP Waldir Azevedo
Yellow Bird Norman Luboff / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1961 BAILE DE BROTOS - Bolão e Seu Sax-Tenor RCA Camden LP Bolão "Sax tenor"
Yellow Bird Norman Luboff / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1968 THE REAL BOBBY MACKAY RCA Victor LP Bobby MacKay
Yellow Bird Norman Luboff / Marilyn Bergman / Alan Bergman 1962 78 RPM Continental 78 RPM Waldir Azevedo