ONDE NASCEM OS FORTES - Trilha Sonora da Minissérie da Rede Globo
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Todo Homem
Zeca Veloso
Intérprete(s): Zeca Veloso / Moreno Veloso / Caetano Veloso / Tom Veloso |
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Don't Explain
Billie Holiday
Arthir Herzog Jr.
Intérprete(s): Nina Simone |
3 |
Dia Branco
Geraldo Azevedo
Renato Rocha (1)
Intérprete(s): Geraldo Azevedo |
4 |
Ave de Prata
Zé Ramalho
Intérprete(s): Elba Ramalho |
5 |
Alguém Cantando
Caetano Veloso
Intérprete(s): Caetano Veloso |
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Jura Secreta
Sueli Costa
Abel Silva
Intérprete(s): Fagner |
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Iron Sky
Charles Chaplin
Paolo Nutini
David Nelson
Intérprete(s): Paolo Nutini |
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Vapor Barato
Jards Macalé
Waly Salomão
Intérprete(s): Gal Costa |
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Your Song
Elton John
Bernie Taupin
Intérprete(s): Elton John |
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Venus In Furs
Lou Reed
Intérprete(s): The Velvet Unfeground / Nico |
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Mal Necessário
Mauro Kwitko
Intérprete(s): Jesuita Barbosa |
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Corpo Fechado
Johnny Hooker
Intérprete(s): Johnny Hooker / Gaby Amarantos |
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Porque Homem Não Chora
Roni dos Teclados
Intérprete(s): Pablo |
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Quando Bate Aquela Saudade
Intérprete(s): Rubel |
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The fade Out Line
Phoebe Tolmer
Craig John Walker
cedric le Roux
Intérprete(s): The Avener / Phoebe Killdeer |