Fonogramas encontrados: 39

Música Compositor(es) Ano Álbum Gravadora Tipo de Mídia Intérprete(s)
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman 1968 OH! QUE DELICIA - VOL. 2 Parlophone/Odeon LP Los Tropicanos
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman 1968 RONALDO LARK COM A TURMA BAB-LUBA Odeon LP Ronaldo Lark
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman 1966 SABOR DE JUVENTUDE - Hélio Mendes, Seu Piano, Seu Conjunto Musiplay LP Hélio Mendes
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman N/D OS GRANDES SUCESSOS Bemol LP Orquestra Montana
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman N/D SAX EXOTIC Bemol LP Joe Smith
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman N/D PARADA DE SUCESSOS - Orquestra Imperial Imperial/Odeon LP Orquestra Imperial (1)
The World We Knew (Over And Over) Bert Kaempfert / Herbert Rehbein / Carl Sigman MÚSICA, DANÇA, ALEGRIA - Frank Dicelli e Conjunto SBA LP Frank Dicelli
Triste Soledad (Lonely Is The Name) Bert Kaempfert / Alejandro / Carl Sigman / Herbert Rehbein 1969 EL EXPLOSIVO CAUBY Fermata (Argentina) LP Cauby Peixoto
Você É Meu Mundo (My Way Of Life) Bert Kaempfert / Carl Sigman / Herbert Rehbein / Odair Marsano 1968 AS MAIS BELAS CANÇÕES DE AMOR Continental LP Wilma Bentivegna