Fonogramas encontrados: 137

Música Compositor(es) Ano Álbum Gravadora Tipo de Mídia Intérprete(s)
Sometimes I'm Happy Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2004 LP Rob Digital CD Márcia Lopes
Sometimes I'm Happy Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1997 CLUBBING Sony Music CD Edson Cordeiro
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2010 JUST THE TWO OF US - Cyrille Aimée e Diego Figueiredo Venus Records (Itália) CD Cyrille Aimée / Diego Figueiredo
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2007 O VIOLÃO BRASILEIRO DE NORMINHA DUVAL Independente CD Norminha Duval
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2004 INFLUÊNCIA DO JAZZ Independente CD Kay Lyra
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2003 LUIZ SIMAS LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY Lydjul Records (EUA) CD Luiz Simas
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2002 PALMYRA E LEVITA WITH JOÃO DONATO - HERE'S THAT RAINY BOSSA DAY Jazz Station Records (EUA) CD Palmyra / Paulo Levita / João Donato
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 2002 PALMYRA E LEVITA WITH JOÃO DONATO - HERE'S THAT RAINY BOSSA DAY Irma Records (Internacional) CD Palmyra / Paulo Levita / João Donato
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1999 DREAM Toshiba EMI (Japão) CD Lisa Ono
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1996 DICK FARNEY RGE CD Dick Farney
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1995 O SOM DA GAFIEIRA CID CD Raul de Souza
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1986 DICK FARNEY AO VIVO Inverno & Verão LP/CD Dick Farney
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1986 STAR FANTASY Independente LP Cisa Isaia
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1983 O TROMBONE DE OURO CID LP Raul de Barros
Tea For Two Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans 1983 ED COSTA E SUA MÚSICA MARAVILHOSA RGE LP Ed Costa